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​the embassy of zion Is

A delegation of Jesus' Kingdom-Authority Ambassadors sent on mission to live and be the message together: be reconciled to God!  Live for Jesus!  Freedom!  Love!  Power!  On Earth as it is in Heaven!

welcome to the embassy!


EMAIL or use the Contact Form to connect. We can then send pertinent invitations and territorial messages.


INTRODUCTION.  Contact us for a personal conversation.  Let's see what develops...


Join us on "FIRST!"  We invite you to experience the Blessing Cycle. See more on our First Fruits page.  


PARTICIPATE in local or online gatherings for training and equipping, for watching over revelation, for moving with an apostolic team on assignment, plus.

Paths to


Glory Strikes

Glory Strikes

Watch Now

moving together, sending out



Love and power flow through relationship. In addition to in-person gatherings, we gather in interactive series via Zoom. Relationships are formed and strengthened, and new folks can see how the Troop moves together "in the air," overcoming geographical constraints. EOZ team zooms have included Rosh Chodesh First Fruits, training and equipping, dream revelation, and wisdom roundtable.

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Regional events

​Apostles Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets, as well as several others from Glory of Zion have come to help the Triumphant Reserve advance the Kingdom in this territory. These and other apostolic-prophetic worship gatherings we host greatly advance us here in this region. Also, through regional events people meet and further develop our relationships with co-laborers for the harvest.


spiritual growth

Our focus is on knowing, hearing, and loving the Lord through relationship with Holy Spirit, who enlightens Bible truths and enlivens us in prayer and responsive praise and fruitfulness. Ask us about exploring a "Rooted and Established" growth group if you desire to get free and get moving in connection with other followers of Jesus.


In this PEY decade (5780s/ 2020s) we hear and decree.  We move with the revelation the Lord gives us. In tongues of mankind and angels each one adds his/ her piece to the whole, as we pray and praise and bring the joy of the Lord in various places as Holy Spirit leads. And we testify of his love, his goodness, and his life-changing power!   


team assignments

Multi-gifted apostlic teams and synaxis groups, operating in love and in the power of God, can help open a heart and also help open a spiritual atmosphere in a territory for the glory of God. We gather to worship, pray, stake revelation, and experience His Presence. There we can develop and use spiritual gifts together. We are sent out in periodic "Come to the Table" outreaches, in Glory Strikes, plus.

Olive Grove


His covenant heart and ways are displayed through the apple of His eye, Israel. EOZ stands with Israel - both the Land and the People.  We watch and pray in God's developing One New Man in Yeshua. We are in connection with Martin & Norma Sarvis (see links below), who minister at Sukkat Hallel in Jerusalem. 

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