Apostolic alignment is a foundation for calling forth the fullness of our individual and corporate identities in Christ and equipping us to be sent out for works of ministry. Alignment is formed around spiritual agreement in unity of vision and call, and functions in the spiritual authority flowing from the Lord Jesus. All of us aligned in EOZ are in unity with the Body of Christ, yet are more closely "ligamented" together with each other for His ordained purposes for us to carry out together.
Embassy of Zion's apostolic alignment is with Apostle Chuck Pierce in both Glory of Zion International and in Kingdom Harvest Alliance. He has ordained and commissioned EOZ leaders Susie Zeigler and Anne Romanello as Apostles.
God's God-sized Part: At this time in the earth, the Lord is developing an apostolic wineskin to hold and pour new wine. (Think harvest and ongoing revival.) His five-fold Kingdom government with the Cornerstone Jesus is the Foundation for the Body of Christ to come into the Fullness of maturity, in demonstration of the love and power of the resurrected King Jesus. (Ephesians 4, plus.)
Our Part: We choose to be used! We are individuals, families, and cluster groups who answer the call we hear to align together for this region (the Carolinas and Virginia) in the shared vision of seeing the Kingdom of God flourish! We launch out together in multi-gifted teams on apostolic assignments, from the Foundation for Fullness: Full Stature (Ephesians 4); Full House (Luke 14:23); Full of Glory (Psalm 72)!
Apostle Chuck Pierce says, “In every conflicting crossroads season Covenant and Alignment are keys to unlocking your future!” We advance together as a family and an army, with corporate functions and team assignments as Holy Spirit leads. With every advance of Kingdom we experience here, we declare “it is SO!” for our covenant partners in the Triumphant Reserve in Israel!
Grace and peace to you,
Susie and Anne, on behalf of Embassy of Zion
a family and an army