A Time to Watch (shamar)
On October 22, 2018, Apostle Chuck Pierce said in Charlotte: “I believe that’s why we are having gatherings like this: because many of...

Resurrecting From Your Tomb
As we come into the month of Nissan and the celebration of Passover and our redemption, the Anointed One has given Tara and I both a...

First Fruits Offering Q&A
I have a question about the giving / bringing our best gifts for First Fruits. Is this always monetary? Great question. I have had the...

A Good Sound from NC to Help Shift the Nation
Word from Melinda Richardson over NC 7/9/16 Melinda Richardson came to Greensboro, North Carolina on July 9 (an event sponsored by...

Eyes on the Harvest in Carolinas
9/16/16 Word from Chuck Pierce Over Carolinas - from Liberty Park, NJ Chuck: Now what the Lord showed me about the Carolinas, for...